23 April 2008

More Articles

A while ago I sent in an article to F&C on making wooden planes...this was how I made 'Big Woodie' and others in the workshop that are similar. Since that piece was submitted there's been a change in the 'seat of power' at F&C and I wasn't sure whether the plane article was needed. However, having just 'phoned Michael Huntley (the new editor) he's confirmed that it will be published in the August issue so I'm going to look forward to that one...I think I can see the purchase of a LN No9 Iron Mitre looming on the horizon, unless SWIMBO's got other plans for my money.
In conversation with him he's also very interested in the Elm Cabinet II ...think I'll maybe just gloss over the problems I've had with the back panel, though it looks like it's going to be quite good when it finally goes into the cabinet. He also gave me one or two tips on the way he would like copy written which I found very useful so I'll try and bear that in mind when fingers hit the keyboard later on.

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