21 April 2008

The Return

SWIMBO has now returned from colder and windier climes having arrived at Brize Norton at about 0930 she got back just in time for coffee. The decorating has been finished for about a week now and my efforts got the official 'nod of approval' so I'm fairly chuffed at the moment...the only unfortunate casualty was that I broke one of the glass doors in the bookcase so will have to get some more made which is going to set me back about £70 or so.

On a different topic I had a very surreal day in Egham on Sunday as it was a 30th reunion for my old college. It was very, very strange to see old friends that I hadn't seen for 30 years... also to walk around the grounds and visit all my old haunts on the site

The back panel of the Elm Cabinet II is now nearing completion and I'll need to sort out another couple of coats of finish on it before it's ready to go into the carcase. I haven't been able to do much on it recently as I've had the decorating to do but hopefully that will change now so I'll be able to get back into the 'shop.

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