29 April 2008

The Wood from Hell...and Plan B

After a bit of frantic fitting and sanding, the back panel for the Elm Cabinet II is almost done. It's been finished with a couple of coats of matt Osmo-PolyX which is so easy to apply it has to be experienced to be believed. On top of that tonight will go a good application of my favourite Alna teak wax which has a beautiful soft, pasty constituency...polish off with a soft duster and then into the carcase with a few dabs of glue just to hold it in place. I fitted it the other night and it looked rather good which in part makes up for the absolute nightmare that it's been to make...even the slithers that were glued on the long sides blend in quite well and can hardly be seen.
Pete's coming round this Saturday to help me sort out the leaky workshop. I've got all the materials to hand so with a bit of luck and a following wind the repair to the end of the 'shop ought to go according to plan...if not there's always Plan B.
I'm really looking forward to another trip out at the end of May, this time to West Dean College in Chichester where there will be a hand-tools event hosted by CHT. Lots of the guys from UKW will be there so it promises to be a fun-filled day...might even have a chance to play with some more Philly planes and as David Charlesworth will also be in attendance, I think I'll take him along a little bit of the Wood from Hell. Light the blue touchpaper and stand back!

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