11 June 2014

Normal service will resume shortly…..

Many years ago, if my ongoing decrepitude still serves me, the TV wasn't too reliable and seemed to me, at the time, to be always going 'off-air'.  You'd then here a frightfully posh, perfectly articulated, genuine BBC Queen's English announcer saying that …

…."normal service will resume shortly" or so I seem to remember at the time.

The delivery yesterday of this bad boy from Axminster...

….means that like the early days of the BBC, normal service will be resumed shortly in the 'shop.  At present, I've got around five jobs stacked up all over the place that need the services of this bit of kit. They include, in no particular order, a picture frame, a jewellery box, a big Alan Peters style cabinet, and a large chest of drawers as well as load of little boxes for the craft fair next month.

Onwards and upwards...


  1. Pukka table mate. Best of luck with it.

  2. Hi Rob... Long time no speak. Just thought I'd touch base. And keep an eye on your blog to check out the router table.

    I am a fugitive from the old forum now BTW. So time on my hands Lol!

    Glad to see you are still at it. All the best for now m'man and I'll catch you later
    Best wishes

    John Walker Birmingham. (AKA Benchwayze)

  3. Good to 'speak' John and hope you're fit, well and still enjoying a tot of the RN's finest! If you have time, look it at my new blog on the Axminster site..much the same as this one with the emphasis on making stuff. Also a new Woodhaven-2 which will be going live shortly…all good stuff!

  4. This sounds just like my shop at the moment.. but I was waiting on a new table saw before I could resume fufilling orders

  5. Apologies for the delay in replying Jonny, but my days of table saw usage have gone. For me, they take up too much room in the 'shop and most of them (not all, it has to be said) aren't accurate enough.
