05 May 2014

Devious Dealings.

Those of this readership who've got nothing better to do with their time on this glorious Bank Holiday Monday will have, by now, have realised that…''summat's up"  Previous posts hinted that devious dealings were afoot, so it's probably now time to come clean and reveal all…as the actress said to the bishop.

I'm going to try out a couple of craft fairs in Salisbury at the Guildhall this year, the first on the 19th July and the second on 2nd Dec, just in time for Christmas.  To that end, the organisers requested some information and a pic for an e-flyer.  I duly obliged with the image below:

…and decided to use it as a cover photo on Facebook.  My friend Ian Styles, the MD of Axminster Tools & Machinery immediately replied that he'd have to 'unfriend' me as I was leaning against such a noxious bit of equipment, to which I replied that I'd buy one from him if he offered a suitable 'inducement'…which I subsequently did and for which I'm very grateful.

However, Ian's email to me dropped into my inbox at around 11pm and the first line consisted of less that ten words reading something along the lines of…

"Here's a simple question.  Do you want a job?"

Now I do like an occasional tipple of something, but this time I nearly fell of my chair without any assistance and suitably gobsmacked, I chortled all the way up the stairs to bed.

I replied that I'd love to work for him, subject to conditions of service so that over the course of several weeks, we sorted out the 'what' and the 'how' of my employment.  In essence,  Ian, being a long time 'dipper' into the Blog, liked my scribblings and offered me a job as a copywriter for the company.  Having just retired, I didn't want to take up a full-time salaried position, so we've agreed that I'll be working from home for 27 hours a week with one or two (as required) days a month at Axminster HQ.

As an aside, you'll note that the big grey lathe is a serious bit of kit.  You'll be equally pleased to note that as I'm a bit of novice wood spinner, they'll be few references to the 'dark side' as the cock-ups will happen with such mind numbing regularity I'd need a whole new blog to document them.


  1. Congrats – both on the shiny new lathe and the copywriting job.

  2. Thanks chaps…appreciated!

  3. A discount AND a part-time job? Well played, sir.
