16 January 2013

Temperature Troubles...the Deux

It's still a mite cold, which to be fair, is to be expected at this time of year.  The BBC recorded a figure of -3degC at Boscombe Down early this morning, which isn't far from Wilton, but it's really still too nippy to venture outside to the 'shop for very long.

I did though, in a fit of eager anticipation coupled with more than a little frustration, switch on my small 1.5Kw oil-filed radiator (using an electronic plug-in timer) to start early this morning.  I had hoped that by around 10am it would have surpassed the magic 10decC (or 50degF) which is the bare minimum for comfortable working...and setting glue for that matter.

Checking the thermometer at 9am this morning though, revealed the glass reading about 1degC so it seemed to me very unlikely that it would achieve a further few degrees rise in temperature...it was summarily switched off and I retreated back to the house.

However, all is not lost, because being confined to the house for the last few days has enabled me to sort out a relatively simple design for the cabinet stand, bearing in mind that I didn't want anything too fancy that would detract from the quite attractive walnut panelling in the doors.

Having 'ummed' and 'ahhed' and got through what seems like reams of paper, I finally settled on a design, also bearing in mind that I only had a small quantity of decent, straight grained, air dried ash. Yesterday afternoon (at the warmest point of the day) I sallied forth and machined it to rough dimensions (within a mm) so that it ought to be fully conditioned when it's needed later on.

Having switched off the heat outside, it's time to switch on the Gaggia inside...


  1. Man up! At least you can do something to keep warm ... like hand-plane all the rough timber for the next chest of drawers or dig a few rows of potatoes before commencing the day's work.

    We're expecting 39°C (102°F) again today and there's just no escaping it.

    The grass is always greener and all that!

  2. A three hour walk through the freezing woods this morning blew the cobwebs away, but it's still too cold to go into the 'shop, which is frustrating because the next major thing that needs to be done is a glue-up..and I can't!
