20 January 2013

Temperature solutions...

The ongoing cold snap shows no sign of abating, not at least for the next week anyway, so I decided that something ought to be done to improve the rate of heat leakage from the 'shop.  To that end, the draughty opening window has been completely sealed with silicone...sounds a bit drastic, but it's due to be taken out soon and replaced with a double-glazed insert.

The door has also been sealed up with some 'P' section rubber sealant strip, so it now closes very tightly  and there are no gaps anywhere.  The main form of heating is a 1.5Kw oil-filled radiator set against one wall and this has been switched on using a plug-thermostat, which has been positioned some 2m away on an adjacent wall, with the dial on '1' which ought to correspond to roughly 10deg C.

I switched it on around three hours ago and noted a three degree rise just now so I'm hopeful that when I check the temp tomorrow morning, the magic figure will have been reached and as the 'shop is well insulated anyway there shouldn't be too much trouble in maintaining it.

Fingers crossed...

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a toasty workshop! I read an article on shop heating a while back that recommended an overhead IR lamp directed at the top of the table saw so that it would reflect the heat.
