09 May 2010


In case you're wondering why it's gone a bit quiet on the Blog, over the course of the last week I've changed work locations with all the ensuing chaos that it brings. However, things are starting to settle down now. I have to say that I far prefer my old office as I really don't think that the open plan environment works for me...but hey, it's only for a few months!

Shown in the pic is a full size mock up of one of the joints for the Alan Peters style Media Unit that I've started to make now in earnest. I was initially quite concerned as to just how I was going to make this Chinese looking confection, but in the end, it was relatively straight forward, but did require some seriously accurate marking out to get the mitres to meet.

The construction is as shown...the core is two layer of 18mm ply with 2mm oak veneer over the top. A 20mm oak lipping was then applied and the joint cut.

If you want to know exactly how...you'll need to stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty joint.

    By the look of it, I'd say your comment about requiring some seriously accurate marking out might be an understatement.

    I really like the softness of the joint.

    Well done!
