02 May 2010

Comfy curvature...

Having made all the necessary 'fixes' to the offending mortise and tenons, this little stool has been finally finished.

Notwithstanding the errors made in the final glue-up, it's turned out quite well. The timber (air dried English Oak) has been left mostly straight from the LV BU smoother, with a quick touch from a card scraper here and there, finishing off with a light pass with some 15og paper. Aris's were not sanded either...I used the LN block to take off the sharp corners on straight bits. The curved shape of each foot was bearing cut with the router and then the chamfers were left straight from the LV 'shaves. Again, no sanding.
The applied finish is two coats of matt Osmo Poly-X oil with a good application of Alna teak wax (sadly no longer available) over the top.

The other thing I would have liked to have done is to book match all the timber...you can see there's an inconsistency in the boards for the top, but as I was using up the oddments from an otherwise split and knotty board, it was necessary to 'mix and match' as best I could. The only bit which is a true bookmatch is the thinner centre rail.

All told though, not a bad effort.

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