07 June 2009

West Dean '09

Classic Hand Tools held the second hand tool event at West Dean near Chichester yesterday and all the usual suspects from UKWorkshop were in attendance. The group shot taken while we were all recuperating over a brew shows Pete (Newt) Tony (Escudo) Steve Allford (Promhandcam) Paul Chapman as himself and some bloke in a stripy top. If you look very carefully you can also see the top of David Charlesworth head behind Paul!
There were even more tempting stalls laid out this year with some truly eye watering goodies, not least of which were the planes made by Karl Holtey. Most woodworking nutters have heard about Karl, but to meet him and handle some of his planes (which are things of true beauty and absolute precision) has to be a privilege, as of course was meeting Bill Carter. Bill makes fabulous planes entirely by hand in a garden shed and uses no more than the occasional use of a pillar drill. I spoke at some length with his charming wife, and was invited to use some of his 'scraper' chisels that I was amazed to find work incredibly well on really hard timbers like box, rosewood and ebony...some will definitely find their way onto the 'Tool Wall'
I also had a very, very interesting discussion with Michael Huntley regarding all the devious schenanigans that have been occurring at F&C and I was intrigued to find out the real reason behind his imminent departure from the magazine.
All in all, a great day out.


  1. Looks like a fun event--friends and handtools--what could be better? And what a wonderful building in which to meet. I'll be interested to see Bill Carter's scraping chisels.

  2. Kari - take a spare chisel, polish the back as normal and then offer the honed edge up to a fine white grinding wheel and remove steel to leave a square edged blade...work's fantastically on very hard, close grained timbers. Re-touch as and when needed - Rob
