09 June 2009

Demise of the 'Tool Wall'

You may remember that some time ago I collected a whole load of board material from a UKWorkshop friend who had no further use for it and in exchange for all this rather nice stuff I let Simon have a screwdriver that I'd just finished making. Part of that consignment though, was a lot of strip material only 90mm wide (by 18mm thick) which I've been looking wistfully at from time to time...well you can't throw it out, can you?

The penny, though, suddenly dropped the other night (as it often does)... with a bit of lipping on each side it might make the framework for a 'Tool Cabinet' with a couple of opening doors which could then be hung on French cleats over the bench.

Whilst the original 'Tool Wall' does have it's merits, the very great disadvantage is that you soon start to run out of space, particularly when other and more specialised hand tools start to be added. I don't intend to make this a hugely complicated piece or even a very large cabinet (there'll still be some room on the wall) more a 'work in progress' job that tools can be fitted into as an when they're acquired.

That's the plan anyway.

I ordered the Camvac the other night so I'm looking forward to receiving that sometime this week. I've even sold my original chip extractor for the planer/thicknesser to another member on UKWorkshop and that will be collected later on in July.

The only slight 'Spaniard in the works' is that the pics show the unit with a hose supplied, but a detailed examination of the small print tells you that it's not...bugger!

1 comment:

  1. My tool cabinet has been a work in progress for about 5 years! I'm sure that yours won't take as long. And maybe you'll inspire me to finally finish mine. :o)
