07 January 2009

Small is beautifull

I've noticed over the last year or so that the performance of my old de Walt drill driver was gradually getting poorer. It didn't matter what I did to it, the batteries wouldn't hold a reasonable charge for any length of time, so much so that after I'd charged one of them up (from flat) I was able to drive about six 25mm screws before it 'gave up the ghost' completely. I suppose it has to be down to me really 'cos I didn't realise about the 'memory effect' with NiCad batteries and I reckon I was charging them up when they were only half depleted. I got so fed up with this the other day that I just lobbed the whole lot...drill, batts and charger into the bin!
I then started to look round for a replacement and I fancied one of those new Li-on jobbies, that's until I did a little bit of Googlisationing and saw that I'd have to dig very deep to get something similar. Axminster, though are doing a 12v Milwaukee unit that looks very tidy...and it's on special offer, ever better! Something was niggling me though until the penny dropped and I realised that it came with a 1/4" hex drive chuck...so what use is that if you want to drill 8mm in metal? It transpires that you need to buy another chuck which is an extra £21, thus wiping out any price advantage so it was back to scurfing t'internet. I was looking for something similar, not to big, 12v Li-on with a keyless chuck and eventually I found what I was looking for... a very natty little AEG drill driver and the best thing of all was that it was on sale for less than £80, so I put the order in last night and it should be here in a couple of days. Good result I fancy!

1 comment:

  1. I see you've ordered an AEG 12 volt. I am sure you'll be delighted. I used AEG tools a great deal in my last incarnation and still have a monster angle grinder that has to be 35 years old. The weight and solid feel of the 12 volt is smashing. Hope you're as happy with your AEG as I am with mine. Strangely,you don't see much of their kit about these days.
