11 January 2009

Learing Curve

At last the temperature seems to be lifting a little bit and we've had a decent enough sort of day for almost the middle of January, so I decided to have a session outside and very pleasant it was too, so much so that by the COP the thermometer (which I had thought was broken as it was stuck on zero) had climbed to about the mid forties! I've got to the most interesting part of my little 'fun project' which is the curved drawer, a pic of which is shown. Without question the most difficult and awkward bit is actually making the curved front...this involved bearing cutting with the router, a bit of spokeshave work followed by some serious scraping and sanding to profile...oh for the delights of a compass plane! Then it had to be fitted to the opening, another tricky bit of work as it's bloody difficult to get the tapered angle correct on the end grain where it fits...I think I've got it right but I'm going to have to be very careful fitting the lapped dovetails at the front 'cos I haven't got a lot of surplus timber to play with, a few very fine shavings with the LA smoother at most. If I fit them just the tiniest bit too deep, the drawer will fit perfectly, but the dovetails won't have been flushed off which would be a complete and unmitigated bloody disaster!
I've been nattering at length over the last few days with someone from UKWorkshop who's keen to come down to Wilton towards the end of the month to make a top class job of a little project...say no more.

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