29 January 2009

The Pencil Box

I finished making the 'driver tonight complete with its own box and a mechanism to raise it. This little project, 'specially the box, was really a small test piece to just to see if the new jigs I made last weekend worked...quite pleased to say that they did. The box was very fiddly to make and as I said in an earlier post, there were all sorts of things that went wrong with it, but I managed to sort it out in the end. The material used is Pau Rosa for the 'driver itself, Brazillian Walnut for the box and all the other bits are in Rosewood, apart from the lid which is a bit of maple. All the timber though was sourced from the off cuts box under the bench. I'm counting this project as a sort of trial or test piece and intend to make a proper one later on without all the mistakes...so here's hoping I've learnt from this one.


  1. If there were all sorts of things that went wrong, Rob, they sure don't show! Beautiful job, as always.

  2. That looks very nifty, Rob ;-)

    Cheers :-)

    Paul Chapman

  3. Just caught up with your blog. Nice to read a bit about the process of making this project. Tightened the first screw this morning! Thanks again - Simon
