31 January 2009

Loaves and Fishes

I'm always very grateful for small favours that friends do for me and I hope I can reciprocate in some small measure later on, so it was with a pleasant sense of anticipation I opened a package that was waiting for me on the dining room table when I got in from work. Inside was the freshly tempered tool steel blade for Big Woodie that Philly had made (he actually supplied the blank at Westonbirt and I asked him then if he'd mind hardening and tempering it for me)
Now if you recollect from past witterings, we had a hugely entertaining Bash at Wilton at the beginning of December, when all the 'great and the good' from UKWorkshop descended on my place...all that is, except Philly. At the end of the proceedings I passed the blade, complete with an sae over to Waka (he of dubious tool collecting repute) and asked him to give it to Philly, which he duly did the following weekend.
Well, as you know, time passes. Glaciers melt, new mountain ranges are pushed up, recessions come and go...but alas, no sign of Big Woodie's new blade, until Thursday night that is. As I opened the package, the blade was wrapped up in brown paper and it was clear that Philly had done a cracking job on sorting it out. Also included was a genuine Phillyplanes letter which started...and I quote "Yes, miracles do happen!" Now generally I don't dip into the 'good book' these days (or at least I haven't since I was very small) but everyone's familiar with the tales of the miracles that Jesus performed throughout his life and I suppose that had he been around today, this would have ranked with the 'Loaves and Fishes'
I just call in the 'Miracle of the Blade'...


  1. Rob
    Glad you like the blade - as I said, apologies for the time it took to get it back to you;)

    Best regards


  2. Hi Phill - it's turned out to be a really good blade, no need to apologize...but I was starting to wonder what happened to it!
