03 July 2008

Projections and Pronouncements

Not a lot has happened on the Elm Cabinet II front, except that SWIMBO has had a change of heart and has now pronounced that she would like to keep her cabinet rather than see it disappear into someone else's lounge...so I think that's a bit of a positive result.
I've been giving some brain power (no sniggering in the back) to the honing bench again. I've now got a collection of A2 LN chisels, BU and BD planes, all of which require different projections for the various honing angles that each need. I've got about three different 'bench hooks' with all sorts of distances on them for assorted angles and it all gets very confusing sometimes, 'specially as the said brain cells are diminishing daily. The plan is then to do a 'proper job' (needs to be said in a decent West County burr) so that every conceivable angle for each blade is set out on one board and is marked so that I know what the angle is, and what tool it's for. Paul also let me have his old Veritas MK1 honing guide to play around with for a while which will be quite interesting...I'll have to see how it compares to my existing Eclipse clone.
I had a decent chat last night with one of the guys on the 'other forum' about a one day course in early August. He definitely seems very keen to come down to Wilton and have an intensive one day course on the basics (setting up planes, tool technique etc) and as a bonus was more than happy at the cost. The next task for yours truly then is to work out a plan for the day...nothing set in concrete, just a roughish outline of the topics that we might cover so that he's got some indication of what the day entails and get that off in the post.

1 comment:

  1. That's good news on the cabinet, Rob. Having seen it on its stand on Saturday, it did look a very fine piece of work. Once you've finished all the shaping and got those mortice wedges in place, I'm sure it will look a real cracker.


    Paul Chapman
