06 July 2008


My son Gareth is home for the weekend and as one of the avid readers of the Blokeblog was bewailing the fact that he never gets a mention, so to set matters straight a pic is herewith included...note the FT on the (English Walnut, before anyone asks) coffee table, essential reading these days!
I hear you ask, "whats a caerieoot, has the Bloke lost the plot yet again?" All will be made as crystal...Gareth is a maths student at Edinburgh Uni and a caerrieoot is where the Jocks go to buy their booze...they go in and then caerrieoot a vast quantity of the stuff (needs some thought on this very wet and windy Sunday morning does that...)
Elm Cabinet I can be seen beside the sofa as well and it do look rather pleasant in the newly redecorated lounge. I started to do a bit on the stand for Elm Cabinet II last night, just cleaning up the legs and rails with the Veritas BU smoother...what a fabulous plane! Newly honed it was easily taking of shavings of half a thou....
The new 'bench hook' for the sharpening table has also been done and is a big improvement over the other motley selection of devices I'd accumulated...makes life much easier at honing time. With a bit of luck and a following wind I should be able to get out to the 'shop today and do a bit more, here's hoping...


  1. Well, all that caerrieoot obviously hasn't stunted his growth - Gareth's legs look even longer than they were the last time I saw him!! Give him my best wishes.


    Paul Chapman

  2. nice one old boy
