20 May 2008

Map and Corkscrew

Repairs to the outside of the 'shop are progressing quite well, I've got round almost half way now and just need to finish off the window side this weekend. I tested the end that Pete and I did a couple of weeks ago by pouring a couple of cans of water over the place where it used to leak and so far, it's totally dry inside...fingers crossed.
The door has been hinged on the Elm Cabinet II and went reasonably well. I've set the hinges in a little too proud at the moment so a bit of light tinkering around at the weekend may well be order just to correct things, will have to go carefully though as it's only too easy to upset the shadow gap round the outside (which is equal all the way round at about .6mm) by a bit of over zealous fettling.
The marking knives turned out quite well and I posted The Dudester his one yesterday 1st class so he should get it tomorrow...hope he likes it. I'll let Pete Newton have his this coming weekend and Paul (Chisel) said that as we'll all be at West Dean, Chichester at the end of the month, he'll have his one then. Another UKW member would like one so I think I'll get in contact fairly soon to sort that out, though I may well wait a bit to see if anyone else would like one as it's as easy to make three or four as it is to do one.
SWIMBO was busy at the keyboard on Sunday planning the rough itinery for our holiday this year, which is going to be touring Provence and the Cote d'Azur in the Landy. I think it's probably going to be a map in one hand and a corkscrew in the other (except when I'm behind the wheel) when we get there. We have a full three weeks this time and will be making an overnight stop at Metz and then travelling on to Annecy, (just south of Geneva) for a couple of days to break the journey and after that it's on further South into Provence. The last two touring holdidays that we did to Switzerland were fantastic...this one may well top them both!

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