13 May 2008

Holes that suck...

The start of the repair to the 'shop went very well last week, in fact it was so good that I've decided to go round the whole of the outside this summer and re-do the crappy job of the sealing that I did a few years ago, so now the window section of is under the big tarp and all the old goo has been stripped away ready for another session at the weekend...provided the weather gods smile on me!
The marking knives that I started a few days ago are coming on quite well and I have another to do for a UKW member living in Reading, so I may well have to drag myself down to Yandles in the not too distant future to see if they've got any more lumps of African Blackwood, or something similar, which is going to be a real chore...or possibly not.
SWIMBO went into town today and has just dropped off at my desk a Mirka hand sanding attachment, which looks very interesting indeed, this was a little 'freebie' from British Woodworking magazine. After reading the blurb that came with it, I think that this may well be one of the best H&S products to come out for a very long time as it almost completely eliminates the dust generated by sanding, as everything gets sucked up into the 'shop vac. If it's as good as it looks then I'll be investing in a few more sanding sheets as the ones supplied are only 80g and 120g, which is great for initial sanding but I'll need to go up to 240g and 320g as well. The construction of the sheets also means that they ought to last a lot longer than my traditional hand sanding papers...only time will tell, but it looks a very impressive system.

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