05 April 2008

Tunnel Light

The mammoth decorating job (for me anyway) of sorting out the decoration of the lounge is almost done. Yesterday and the day before I put laid the new laminate floor which went down without mishap and does, I have to say, look rather posh. Today I've been making up the new skirting boards to go over the top and finishing them with a couple of coats of acrylic varnish. I could have kept the old ones in place on the wall but then I would have had to use that revolting little bit of quadrant moulding to cover the expansion gap 'twixt laminate and skirt....yuk!!! All being well then the new skirting boards should be up tomorrow and then I'll have to fit the curtain poles ready for some new drapes later on.
SWIMBO had a small lump sum pension pay out today from a really grotty job that she had (I worked as well at the same factory) several years ago and she decided that she wanted a new flat screen telly and DVD recorder to go in the newly decorated lounge...so today that's what she's got! A 32" Panasonic LXD700, 160Gb HDDVD recorder, HDMI cable and tilt/swivel wall mounted bracket are now residing in the lounge awaiting the truly glorious moment when I can emerge into the light at the end of a very long tunnel, install the new TV system and finally say that the decorating is done...and better still, it'll be done before the SWIMBO's return from distant climes. Winner!

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