31 March 2008

I hate panels...

I'll be really glad when this back panel for the Elm Cabinet II has been done. After initially bookmatching the joints the completed panel took on shape of it's own as it started to warp. This of course made rebating with the router table impossible so I had to cramp it flat to the bench and use the smaller hand held router to make the rebate.
Except that I got the measurements slightly out and now the gap 'twixt frame and panel is too large. This means that I'll have to plane something off the tongues all round to reduce the gap to about 2mm, which is the same as the panels in the carcase sides.
The result of this is that the frame will have to be made smaller to fit the now reduced panel size and doing this little exercise will mean that the exterior dimensions of the framed up panel will make it sloppy in the carcase rebate.
The only way out of this fine mess I've got myself into is to glue on a slither of elm on all of the outside faces to make it fit and hope no-one has a fancy to look at the back when it's installed. Fortunately, the interior will totally mask the utter cock-up that I've made of it all so it ought to look tolerable. The only saving grace on this sorry escapade is that the material for the panel itself has quite an acceptable grain pattern with some rather striking figure in it...anyway that's a job for next week, here's hoping I don't get myself further into the mire!


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