Every now and again I get the urge to make a box, but this one was for a special event, namely my youngest brother's 50th birthday present. I made some mention it it in this post some time ago but couldn't reveal any details until after the party...

...and what a party it was. Suffice to say that we downed 45 bottles of champagne, the real deal and not some some cheap and nasty, imitation 'look alike' stuff...'nuff said! Robin is shown above and the three of us (with my other brother Roger) are in the pic below, taken at some inebriated point during the evening.
The box itself is pretty straightforward and made from a particularly nasty, kiln dried lump of oak that had to be sanded into submission as it was almost impossible to plane. The top panel is a much better piece of quarter sawn air-dried stuff.
Jointing is through dovetailed with an ebony:
...line inserted between the lid and box. The corner chamfers were planed in with my LN block and then left straight from the plane as any sanding may have reduced the overall 'crispness' of the detailing.
The lining is made from a small section of Brown Oak as is the veneered base. There were no really horrendous 'cock ups' worth mention, apart from the timber...
...so I detest kiln dried timber with a passion!
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