Yesterday saw the eagerly awaited and much anticipated Great Southern Bash at Waka's (Tony) 'shop in Weymouth. Paul Chapman and Steve Alford called in at Wilton and after a quick brew we made our way south in fairly dismal autumnal weather. Fortunately, just as we arrived, the weather gods smiled favourably on us and we enjoyed a really fine and sunny afternoon. There were a large number of old friends and new acquaintances from UKWorkshop all milling around, as well unlimited amounts of porn...
...that's got your attention!
No, not the fleshy sort...tool porn!... vast quantities of dazzling steel, precious timbers and much else besides, all housed in Waka's recently finished and impeccably made tool cabinet.
I'd been roped in to do a demonstration on lapped dovetails, and was soon busy cutting and chopping on Waka's bench. More by luck than judgement, I managed to do a reasonable joint in aformosia (front) and cherry (sides) which was well recieved when it was finished.
Paul then gave us a very good demonstration of the capabilites of the Domino. Seeing it in action is impressive, but I've come to the regretable conclusion that apart from being able to shave with it, it's still not worth the outlay for a hobbyist 'shop, unlike Tony's planer/thicknesser, the smaller version of which without a shadow of a doubt will find a home in my 'shop in a couple of years.
A great day had by all, but what, I hear you muttering, is the other pic all about?
Today I started decorating our bedroom and the downstairs loo, both of which were badly in need of a lick of paint. After a couple of pleasant steamy hours with the wallpaper stripper, a blocked up fireplace emerged from behind where SWIMBO's wardrobe had been standing. I don't profess to be any good with a plasterer's float (considering it to be the last 'dark art') but the bloody numpty who did this bit of work must have daubed the stuff on with a shovel, left it to set and then papered over it!
I may just be able to get away with chipping off the old stuff and replastering...I hope.
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