28 May 2024

Parsimonious writ wrong...

 I tend, whenever possible, to be a little with careful material and consumables so I thought I'd be extremely clever the other day when I glued together the four sections of Bog Oak panels.  It was imperative that there was no 'squeeze out' in the long, black tunnel of the interior as first and foremost, it would have been almost impossible to remove it. Second and foremost, that's where the drawers were eventually going to run smoothly; any lumps and bumps and they wouldn't.

I got every set up and it all glued together perfectly with the minimum of glue...or so I thought. It appears though, that I was being just a mite too parsimonious and didn't apply quite enough.  As the box was subjected to the stresses and strains of sawing in half and cleaning up, the joints on the underside started to come adrift!

Sacre bleu! 

Panic mode then set in until I realised that I could screw the offending sections together:

In addition, I'd rather usefully collected a 'baccy tin of Bog Oak sawdust:

...which I intended to use to fill all the blemishes, cracks and tiny bits of 'break out'; if you haven't used it, Bog Oak is extremely brittle.  Mixing the sawdust with a little CA adhesive forms a filler which matches the wood exactly and sets rock solid, so that once applied and sanded smooth...

...it becomes almost impossible to see where the 'fill' is located.  As a Brucie Bonus, all the fills will be completely covered by the two plinths, so will never be seen.

I can see you wondering though, what on earth is a 'Brucie Bonus'? Those resident in the UK and of a certain age like Andy Pickard will immediately know; for those unfortunates living in distant climes, Google is your friend😂 

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