16 March 2014

The bloke.co.uk

I'm going to dip a toe into the slightly dubious world of craft fairs and to that end I've got a couple of gigs booked this year.  The first is in July and the next at Christmas, both to be held at the Guildhall in Salisbury.

I've no idea if anything I make will sell, but as part of the promotional aspect, it's been suggested that I have some business cards printed so that they can be given out at the events.  SWIMBO thought it would also be good idea to have my website details on the cards as well so a couple of weeks ago we nipped down to PC World and bought a package for less than £30 which enabled her (note 'her'…not me) to build a fairly respectable, four page site.  It's not uber-comprehensive, but there's enough information given for anybody interested to make further enquiries…I hope.

At last…a 'bona fida' sawdust producer!


  1. The site looks great and your wife is to be commended for it. If I had a criticism, it would be that the images are top small to do your work justice. Minimum, I think they should be 800 pixels for the largest dimension. Anything small and you can't see the details properly and anything larger can cause problems with low-res monitors and slow connections.

    Good luck at the shows.

  2. Many thanks indeed for your comment. The website package was pretty basic and that was the largest picture dimension that was we could obtain. i've no doubt that if a more comprehensive (and thus expensive} package were purchased, then bigger pics could be produced. However, it suits my purposes and theres's enough information given for prospective clients to get in touch.
