26 February 2014

A camera click in time...

After a hiatus of a couple of months, it's about time I resumed an account of activities in the 'shop…or not as the case may be.  Two major projects that have been started have come to a grinding halt, simply because I now lack a router table, having sold the Charnwood W650 table saw (where I'd built a router table into the extension side).

However, all is not lost, as I've had a UJK cast iron router table, complete with all the trimmings, on order from those lovely people at Axminster since just after Christmas, the only slight downside being that the expected delivery will be around mid-April.

This unforeseen break in proceedings has allowed me to concentrate a little more on my wood turning as I've decided to dip a toe into the craft fair waters and have a couple of events booked in July and December at the Guildhall in Salisbury.  Around ten days or so ago, the organisers were trying to sort out an e-flyer and requested some info and pics, so I took a couple...

…the first showing a selection of little odds n'sods that I'd turned (as well as a few boxes).  More importantly, they wanted a mug shot, so I duly obliged and took a….

…. 'selfie' leaning against my little Record lathe.  I thought it was quite a good pic, so decided to use it as the cover on my Facebook page, the result of  which had a couple of very interesting and quite unforeseen developments.

Now I bet that's left you wondering, init?

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