29 October 2013

The Double Square Cabinet

The Double Square Cabinet on it's new stand has been finished at last.  The new one is subtly thinner in all sections and has two end rails instead of just one as in the old stand, all surfaces have been made flush.  There are also 'feet' made from Indian Ebony...

…and the stub tenons are now raised, rounded and wedged with some more Indian Ebony. 

Drawer detail remains the same...

…with a view showing the rear of the cabinet as well...

…which is mirrored on the back.

The stand, although English walnut, is a slightly darker shade as it came from an altogether
different board.  Finnish is two coats of Osmo PolyX, followed by some of my favourite Alna Teak Wax.

Altogether, not too shabby and a big improvement on the original ash stand.


  1. Looks great Rob. Excellent work as usual!

  2. Looks great Rob, excellent work as usual!

  3. Much better, Rob, particularly the colour. The colour of the original stand was far too light and never looked right.

    Cheers ;-)

    Paul Chapman

  4. That is a classy piece of work! Very attractive cabinet.
