14 October 2013

Domino delight...

With the safe delivery of the Ink Blotter project (for which I was paid a tidy three figure sum) I've begun to make the replacement stand for the Double Square Cabinet...

...as the original in ash was a mite too 'clunky' and the inset single rail at the end didn't look right.  The walnut has been drying in the 'shop for a couple of months now so that in the last couple of days all the jointing at the corners, sixteen in total (twin rails now at the end) have been jointed with 8mm Dominos.

Had this been done by in the normal way...chop or rout mortices, cut and fit tenons, I could almost guarantee that a few would fit well, some would be tight, others a bit sloppy and mating surfaces that ought to be flush would be high/low/cock-eyed or generally require some severe tweaking to get spot on.

Not to mention the slight issue of time...probably around two or three days to cut and fit them all.

Do it with a Domino and the whole thing, sixteen joints... completed, done n'dusted in 15 minutes and every one fits perfectly.

Expensive?...yes (mine was second hand though) but worth every penny (or $ or cent or shekel) particularly if you happen to be in business making stuff.  Even if you're not (like me) and appreciate the time saved, the Domino system is just about the best thing since 'sliced bread'...if you like sliced bread, which I don't, but you get the drift.....

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