10 August 2013

Righty Tighty...

In the previous post I was wittering on about marking out dovetails...not a particularly difficult thing to do.

Once you know how it's done!

However, here's a slightly different approach which I think, in my misguided wisdom, looks more interesting.

On the face of it it just looks like a row of dovetails being fitted into their respective sockets but if you click on the pic, you'll see that first and foremost, there's an odd number...7.

Second and foremost, each tail increases in width by 2mm from each side, with one central tail being the widest, but...all the pins are the same thickness.  This isn't difficult to achieve, but means that the proportions need to be worked out exactly on paper before the tails are marked.

Third and foremost, those joints are really tight, with the sides of the sockets being releived slightly with a Japanese paring chisel.  Even so, they still need a fairly large rubber maul to knock them together.

If anyone's remotely interested, I can show how it's done next time.

Probably not though.....


  1. Go on then, I'm interested...

  2. +1 for interested. Always good to show your working :-)

  3. Yeah, I want to see this. Pray do tell.

  4. Let's not prejudge your audience here. I'm with the other posters here and would like to read more.
