23 April 2013

Be with you, the 'Force'...

You either love them, or you hate them...bench-wells I'm talking about here.  Loads of workers maintain that they get cluttered up with all sorts crap, garbage and assorted detritus.  To a certain extent, that's true...if you let them get cluttered up with crap, garbage and assorted detritus.

But if you work reasonably tidily, and put stuff away from time to time, bench-wells become a very useful place to keep all manner of bits and pieces that are relevant to the job or process in hand.  At the back, they're nicely tucked out the way, with no danger of small items or tools falling off the benchtop at the rear onto the floor where it's almost totally inaccessible without a major bench moving operation...and if your bench is as heavy as mine, that's something best not to contemplate too often.

However, if you're particularly devious, like what I am, then the really clever thing to do is to build the bench-well...

...with a couple of removable bases, so that one or both of them can be hoicked out when needed.

Especially useful if you need to cramp from the other side of the benchtop (as pic above) for supporting one side of a frame on the Japanese Lamp project.  When the current piece of the job has been done, all I do is to replace the bases and all the odds n'sods that live permanently in the bench well...

...such as my Star Trek mug for pencils and brushes.

Is 'the Force' with you, or have I got the wrong franchise?


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