15 October 2012


Some time ago, my good pal Mike Huntley set up the Japanese Tool Study Group, with the aim of meeting once a month for a good natter on all things Japanese, but more especially to do with tools.  Mike is shown in the pic below with Andy Ryalls, co-owner of Phoenix Oak Framing, based in a very large 'shop close to where I live.  Mike and Andy (green fleece) are here shown discussing a setting block used for making Japanese saws.  The sides are swaged, the top is domed and each edge has a slightly different bevel on it for setting the teeth...  

...used, for example, on a cross-cut dōzuki like the one shown below. 

I'm shown in the pic below giving it a little 'test drive'.  Until you've tried a handmade Japanese saw, you really have no idea what a dream it is to use one.  Every other saw I've ever used is distinctly 'clunky' in comparison, so I want one!

Hang on a 'mo though!  This one's a cross-cut and then I'd also need one to rip along the grain.  At 23,000JPY, or nearly £200 each, I think I'll have a re-think...

...and then I'd have to learn how to sharpen and set one, which is a whole new bucket of worms and well above my pay grade!

I also gave a short demo on using the 3M films from Workshop Heaven as an alternative to using waterstones, as well as playing around with a new Veritas PM-V11blade fitted into my LV jack that can be seen on the bench.  At the moment, it's probably the only one of it's kind in the country.

All told, a very pleasant afternoon was had by all

1 comment:

  1. Hi there everyone who is involved in the JTSG (or just interested in Japanese tools,)

    I have come across this video of an American who has a great Japanese waterstone sharpening setup (and workshop). If you the video on his blog you can see it at 2:00 into the video. You can see how he has allowed for fresh water to pass over the stones and drain away into a sink. I think this is the preferred method for japans carpenters.

    I hope this may be of use to you.


    J Holland
