11 September 2012

'La Belle France'

Having finished the little oak cabinet, I've taken up the reigns on 'Mask Cabinet' once again, which at this point is getting near to completion.

The pic shows the cabinet on a stand dry cramped, with a couple of tourniquets round the top and bottom to tighten up the mitres on the corners, so the next thing to do will be  to glue the door together...easy enough to make with some 6mm Dominos at the corners.  Tricky to mark out the position of the Doms though as I needed to get a snug fit in the opening without taking too much off the doors for clearance.

However, all this is going to come to a bit of a halt for ten days as I'm off to 'la belle France' to see the 'D' day invasion beaches and then we're driving down to the Dordogne to stay with an old college pal.

Should be an interesting trip...

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