30 April 2012

Spiny Stuff...and the Orient!

Exactly a month ago, SWIMBO and I visited one of our offspring in Ixworth and had a very pleasant and slightly inebriated weekend, during the course of which and over one of several steins of Greene King Abbot, I suggested to Megan's landlady that she might like to have 'a little something' from the workshop.

After a trip to Yandles last weekend, I found a suitable lump of decent English Walnut in the wood shed and spent some time last week on my new lathe spinning this up into a small bowl (about 190mm dia)

If the post comes at the same time as ours,  I suspect that Mary will be opening the box round about now...

This will be the last entry of the Blokeblog for several weeks as Thursday morning at 0700 will see us departing on our merry way for very distant shores...

... Japan!

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