12 October 2011

The Return...

You'll no doubt be pleased (or otherwise, as the case may be) that the long sabbatical has come to an end. In around 48 hours I'll be retiring, finishing my employment for good, which is, I hasten to add, a slightly sureal and very strange experience.

Expect then, dear peruser of this Blog, that normal service will indeed resume, with an account of 'shop activity over the summer (not least of which is the acquisition of a LN 51)...very early next week!


  1. Enjoy your retirement, Rob.

    Cheers ;-)

    Paul Chapman

  2. .

    Oh well, the work in earnest starts now...
    'Retirement Job' is the perfect oxymoron.

    Get cracking and enjoy it all the way.

    Howard in Wales

  3. Taken to this retirement thing too quickly? Retired a week and no blogging, must be enjoying the change!
    David Ward
