06 April 2011


At long last, we seemed to have turned the corner regarding the weather...it'a a glorious Spring day with temperatures nodding into the early 70's. With that in mind, I'm starting to have some ponderations about the coming weekend and being early April...it's got to be the Yandles spring show!

I've been making a list of things I need to do on the day. No doubt there'll be some delving into the woodshed (I'll be looking for elm in particular and anything else that looks half-decent) as well as knobbling the De Walt rep as I want to have a really good look at the 622 router, which is in pole position at the moment to replace my aging Bosch.

I'll also be looking at the current range of machinery available...usually Record, SIP and Charnwood amongst others, as later on this year all of the equipment in my 'shop is going to be replaced.

I also want to speak to a pal about his Thein dust extractor unit that he's currently using in his 'shop. For some time I've been looking to add something like this as an addition to the Camvac 386, thus enlarging the collection capacity. For a moderate outlay (mainly the cost of a steel dustbin) I should be able to have a very useful addition to the extraction system in the 'shop. All told, it promises to be a very good day out (as usual) provided of course, those sneakily fickle weather gods smile on us!


  1. Just to let you know that your blog is read Rob, the link to the 622 router actually goes to the Thien separator - as doe the proper link to Thien


  2. As a bloke in a 'shed said a long time ago...D'oh!

  3. Hi Rob,

    Don't think you've bought your new table saw yet (?) but I noticed recently that SIP have launched a rival to the Charnwood saw and it's available from Rutlands:


    I haven't looked at it too closely but, I thought it may be of interest. They do look very similar, though.

