05 January 2011

Extra present...

Christmas and the New Year have come and gone, but unfortunately No1 son gave SWIMBO and me an extra gift over the festive season...the mother and father (plus all the siblings) of a cold which more or less completely flattened both of us for about 10 days.

As he said on the 'phone last night, his..."aim is to please"

Yeah, right, as far as I'm concerned he can take this particular 'aim' and shove it somewhere else...

From a workshop point of view, I've done nowt, not a sausage as I've felt totally drained over the last few days, but the postie today has just dropped in a couple of bottles of TBIII which ought to tide me over for a month or two.

The weather's also picked up a bit now and we seem to be back to our normal January pattern of mild, wet days which is infinitely preferable to the mind numbing cold and snow of recent weeks.

All told then, I ought to be back in the 'shop soon, slicing and dicing some nice burr elm veneer...


  1. Sorry to hear about your flu Rob.

    If it's any consolation swmbo broke her ankle on New Years Day and much to'ing and fro'ing to hospital has ensued here. She's now home on crutches but can't do much, so all my planned shop time is being spent on the household chores and fetching and carrying !

    All the best, Paulm
