02 September 2010

The Best Laid Scheme

The recent jobs completed in the 'shop, great though they are, have started to deplete my once reasonable stock of cabinet timber. Unlike Mother Hubbard, the cupboard isn't bare yet, but I'm distinctly aware that the rack isn't quite as full as it ought to be. Like most woodies I suspect, I tend to hoard timber, treating it like the most precious miser's gold and tending to only have a clear out when I've got a load of stuff smaller than my fingernail (which really is too small to do anything with.) I've got enough air died elm to make another cabinet and only one board left of the oak that I bought a few years ago, but that's about it...plus of course the assorted odds n'ends that inevitably accumulate in odd drawers and corners of the 'shop.

I've therefore decided that I'm going to adopt a very early New Year resolution. Apart from one or two essentials, the purchase of new and shiny toolage is going to be put on hold 'till I retire so that any available cash will be spent on building up the timber store.

So that's the plan...call it Plan A.

But as all good planners know, there should always be Plan B...and the best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft agley...


  1. So, what's Plan B? Buy more tools I suppose.......

    Cheers ;-)

    Paul Chapman

  2. You could always do Plan A for awhile and then switch to Plan B, then Plan A, then Plan B.... It's a win-win!

  3. Not buying tools so you can buy wood. Hmmm, sounds like a great excuse to try with my wife! "See honey, I'm sacrificing..."
