08 August 2010

The package...

I like the postie dropping parcels onto the mat...who doesn't? I was expecting a parcel from Matthew at Workshop Heaven and sure enough, a few days ago, one did indeed drop through the letter box. I knew that it would be a replacement 6mm Ashley Isles dovetail chisel, so I didn't start leaping up and down with uncontrolled excitement like a hyperactive five year old...I thought I'd be a bit 'cool' and just open it in my own good time.

When I sauntered over to pick it up though, it was a bit heavier than it ought to have been, which immediately aroused my curiosity...what was in it to make it weighty?

Inside was a slab of nicely polished timber that I'd given Matthew at the Bash last month and which he'd returned to me, slightly thinner than when I gave it to him.

This though, is no ordinary timber...this is the 'Wood from Hell', stuff that is so interlocked, twisted and just plain bloody cantankerous that it makes even the roughest, cement encrusted scafflolding board appear like a bar of luscious, smooooth plain chocolate...

Being a generous sort of Bloke though, I'd offered to swap Matthew a board or two of this (and it has to be unique, far more desirable than even some Cuban Mahogany [which I also have]) for the merest, triffling trinket...

Nothing, zip, nada...stony ground. To say that I'm moderately disappointed is a bit of an understatement. Still, looking on the bright side, a lump of this stuff would make someone the best Secret Santa present they've ever had!

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