02 July 2010


Those of you with nothing better to do with your time than to peruse this inane drivel will have gathered over the course of the last few months, two significant and in this case, connected facts.

First and foremost, it was my intention to retire at 60 next January...eminently a sound, sensible thing to do. Cunning plans had been hatched for the replacement of machinery and a general upgrading of workshop equipment. Sixty five is the usual age for retirement in the UK, but many pension plans 'kick in' at 60 if the individual decides that it's time to pack up work, which is what I wanted to do...

Second and foremost, I was born in Jan '52 and a quick look at my Profile page reveals that I'm in fact 58, so somewhere along the line, what is laughingly called the 'grey matter' (or soggy sponge in this case) had added and extra year. Don't as ask my how though...

Hell's teeth and buggeration!


  1. I think that's commonly referred to as a "senior moment", Rob!! :-D



  2. Of epic proportions!!!

    Cheers ;-)

    Paul Chapman
