16 April 2010


Wandering around Yandles with a pocketful of loose change is fatal. Having bought the Zona saws last Saturday, I bumped into a pal who'd just paid for some bench cookies, which I'd heard about, but never seen. Ambling through the crowds, I made my way over the the Classic Hand Tool stall where they still had a small stock which was rapidly diminishing.
Handing over almost the last of my cash, I dropped a pack into my bag and thought little more about it..."got to be worth a punt for a tenner"

Arriving home later that day, I racked them out on the 'Tool Wall' to await a suitable opportunity to give them a test drive, which, as it happens, was quite soon.

I'd got to the stage on the Alan Peters music stool where I was ready to sand the concave seat, so I thought I'd give the new purchases their first outing.

I was pleasantly surprised by just how much 'grip' and support they gave to the workpiece. There was a little bit of movement caused by the motion of the cork block but it was pretty insignificant, so all in all, a good investment.

You'll have, of course, noted that I spent almost all my cash.

I made sure I had enough though, for a '99'...mmmmmm

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