07 March 2010

Shute finale...

Having had natter to the ed last week at F&C, the last shute has been made. Whist it's good to make a couple, I've done half a dozen of these things now and...

...I've had enough, so this is the last one. This is probably the best one I've done though as I've got all the little nuances of the build sorted out now, so they go together in a fairly straightforward sort of way, without too much angst over whether or not the final thing is going to plane square or at 45deg. One pic shows the location of the steel pins, a fairly critical part of the job. There was very, very little adjustment needed on this one to get it to shoot properly...maybe a shaving or three, but that's all.

On a different tack, a fabulous day out was had by all at Ye Old Kentish Bash on Saturday. Great to meet old pals and new acquaintances. Some pretty smart kit was also on show, one piece of which is definitly going to end up in my new router table...


  1. I know you made this one from odds and sods found in the scape bin, but to me, it looks a little classier than the others. Maybe its the black plastic instead of the usual clear.

    I studied the post, compared it with your previous ones (the search on your site is great), and have noted all the small and large features you incorporated. When I finally get mine done, you will note some serious copy-catting going on.

    Thank you so much for the info.


  2. Terrific blog. Actually read the whole thing through this morning. Woodwork (and its frustrations) clearly echo across the pond.

    Stop by my blog from my (smaller) shop when you get a chance - http://bowsaw.wordpress.com


  3. Hi Ross - if you sat and read through all this rubbish from start to finish, you need to go out more and get a life!

    Only kidding...glad you enjoyed the read

    Mitchell - looking forward to seeing your shute. This one's is going into Furniture & Cabinetmaking later on - Rob
