18 March 2010

Kick the Bucket?

As can be seen from the previous entry, I'm now bereft of a tablesaur (at least for a few months) but having cut all the timber needed for current projects, I ought not to need one for a while. I'm still not completely decided on which to buy, either the Jet JTS 600 or the Axminster unit, which is decent saw but will eat space and is a 130kgs heavier...twice the weight! I still keep on returning to the Jet, but am coming to the very rapid decision that only a trip down to Axminster to have a good eyeball at each machine will enable me to make the right choice...decisions, decisions!

The Alan Peters music stool is coming along as well. After a slight glitch in the marking out...(we'll have less of that sniggering at the back, what did you expect!) I've started to cut the mortises for the joints which is easy enough but a bit protracted as I'm going through around 30mm of oak by hand. It's air dried English Oak though, which has the consistency of slicing through a very hard cheese, so none of that ghastly 'carrotyness' and internal checking that you often find with the kilned stuff. I've chopped the mortises in both ends so the next thing to do is to sort out the tenons and have a trial fit.

There's a 20% off deal at one of the 'sheds' this weekend so I'm out in the Landy on Saturday to pick up some rolls of roofing felt. With the current spell of fine weather, I'm hoping to get the new roof on the 'shop some time in April, after we come back from our travels on t'Continent at Easter. At the moment, there's a yellow bucket in the 'shop which is collecting the 'dripage' which is fine but...it's right in the middle of the floor so I have to tread delicately round it.

Thus far, more's the wonder, yours truly hasn't managed to kick it over!

1 comment:

  1. If you're going for a new flat roof, why not consider glass fibre rather than felt - like Waka has on his shop. I had my flat roofs done with it. Lasts 20 years or more with none of the hassle of felt.

    Cheers ;-)

    Paul Chapman
