03 February 2010

The Big Bubble

Who isn't a big kid sometimes?...I know I am and if you think you're not, then you might be deluding yourself. A particular case in point is the parcel I received from Axminster yesterday, a big box with a small amount of 63mm hose in and all the intervening space filled with...

...giant bubble wrap, that goes off like a pistol shot when you stomp on it!

Resisting the temptation (get thee behind me...) I wistfully put the packing back in the box and took the hose out to the 'shop to fit it to the 'Blokebox' which went quite successfully. Having hooked it up to the vac and the saw, checked for leaks, I powered up then dropped a couple of handfuls of saw dust into the tablesaw and awaited results.

Disappointing. All the heavier dust settled out at the bottom of the box, but the lighter stuff was getting through to the vac drum, which is not the intention...all should be deposited in a tidy heap inside the box. It transpires that the vac I'm using is quite a powerful one (WV1000 from Axminster, no longer made) and the baffles inside the box aren't slowing the air flow enough. I think the next course of action is to put a few more baffles inside at strategic places with smaller holes to slow down the air flow. If that doesn't work, then I've been advised that the next thing to do is to build a much bigger box, which doesn't fill me with enthusiasm as this one fits nicely under the layout table behind the saw.

I have the breaking strain of a Kit-Kat, so you if you hear some lound bangs over t'interweb tonight, you'll know that resistance was futile...

1 comment:

  1. Fun, isn't it Rob, lol :)

    Cheers, Paulm
