18 January 2010

Absynthe Gas Chamber...

The onset of the milder weather has meant that I was able to spend a little time in the 'shop over the weekend, where the main priority was to make a model of the proposed unit for the TV etc. I'd had a load of pine skirting boards left over from the recent decorating, so I decided to rip them down, re-glue and then plane down to the required thickness.

A small maquete of the design in balsa really doesn't give an accurate indication of the proportions so I thought that a 1:4 or quarter scale model would be much better. The other advantage of making this big is that it's far easier to shape all the pieces accurately and get the dimensions spot on.

One could also use a correct method of jointing, even with timber that's 4 or 5mm thick...doweling!

"Ah"....I hear you say "you can't get doweling that's really small, well, small enough for model making purposes."

Of course, you'd be wrong...cocktail sticks are ideal!

I hope to get the model finished tonight after which it'll be painted and then left to SWIMBO's tender mercy, eagle eye and critical appraisal for the final 'yea' or 'nae'. Should be interesting....


  1. Wouls bamboo skewers be a little less fiddly Rob?

  2. I have a bottle of Absynthe but I've been nervous to try it after what it did to Toulouse-Lautrec.....

    Cheers ;-)

    Paul Chapman

  3. Lee Valley sells 1/12" dowels in packages of 100 and 1/8" dowels in packages of 50.

    Having used a package or two of the 1/8" size over the past few years, I can attest to the fact that when they are not being used to hold wood together, they make excellent swizzle-sticks.


  4. Hope all went well with the model, Rob. And on another note....Happy Birthday! :o)
