03 November 2009


The 'shutes are coming along quite well and you can see from the pic that the iroko fences have been fixed in place. The 6mm coach screw at the left hand end is in a 7mm hole so provides an element of adjustment to enable the fence to be positioned at a dead 90deg. The running boards have also been screwed in place and you can see my LN No9 has been set up to just shoot in the end of the fence.

The Secret Santa event is gradually gaining momentum and I've been really stumped about a suitable present...I just couldn't get any ideas together (how unusual I can hear you muttering) and then today, by an altogether strange sequence of events (don't ask me what or how) I more or less stumbled on something that would be appropriate and hopefully, very acceptable. I've just been out to the 'shop for the last couple of hours having a little fiddle about...and happily it's all now done and dusted, packed away in a drawer, waiting to be wrapped.

The judging in the Competition is now under way and I've had one result in so far. It's way too early to give any indication of who's going to win in each category, but it ought to be a very interesting couple of weeks...

...and if you know where that hyper-link came from, you're probably a grumpy old git like me and Victor!


  1. Coming on nicely Rob. I forgot to say that Ive got those toggle clamps here for you. How many do you need? Send me your address and I'll pop them in the post tomorrow.

  2. I've seen that guy with the cigarette before, but can't place him. agh! I'll probably think of it at 3:00 in the morning. ; )

  3. Kari - only those of a certain age can remember clearly back to the 60's...and you're not old enough!!
