07 October 2009

Pack drill

Like most hobbyist woodworkers, I like to keep myself busy in the 'shop, so I generally have two or three projects on the go at any one time. Not necessarily big stuff, but enough to keep me occupied while I do some pondering about the next large project, which is the TV unit.

A few months ago, word got round at work (probably 'cos I was reading F&C at lunchtime) that I did a bit of woodwork... "and did I do any picture frames" which strangely seems to be what everyone wants.

Having said that I can frame pictures (as well as make lots of other stuff) I'm now on my sixth framing of NCO's warrants and at £30 a pop it's a nice little earner. I make them from odds 'n ends of mahogany (again...it's what everyone wants) machine the rebates, shoot in the mitres, add a couple of splines at each corner, clean up, polish and assemble. Although they look deceptively simple, there's quite a lot of work involved as there's nothing quite as bad as poorly fitted mitres...they have to be spot on to look the part. Over the last few years I've done so many framings it's something I can almost do with my eyes shut

I've also had an email from Michael Huntley requesting another watercolour drawing for his 'Tight Joints' series in F&C. This time it ties in quite well with the current small projects in the 'shop...splined mitres, so that'll be done over the next couple of evenings.

Finally I have a small package to pick up in town this evening, the contents of which will enable me to make a bit more progress with the 'Blokeblade Special'

As ever...no names, no pack drill!


  1. Maybe I have missed something in the many posts from your past that I have read, but what is this, "requesting another watercolour drawing...."?????

    When someone makes a comment that has anything to do with artwork, my ears grow twice as big. Could you give a little explanation about this? Could we see some of it? Do you do other stuff besides "tight joints"? Are you an illustrator by profession?

    Com'on china, give us a butchers.

  2. These arose from a discussion with Michael Huntley (the ex-editor of Furniture & Cabinetmaking magazine) over his series 'Tight Joints' currently in print in the mag. It stems from the excellent, individual watercoloured drawings that can be seen in FWW, and I suggested to him that it might be good to have something similar for his articles. I'm not an illustrater by profession but used to do this sort of thing many years ago at univercity...it just adds a bit of a 'hand drawn' feel to the articles which gets away from the ubiquitous computer renditions. I think this is one of the reasons that FWW has such an appeal...I'll take a pic of the current one when it's finished and use it for a Blog entry
