08 April 2009


After all the excitement of Yandles (it's not often that I'm allowed out on my own...) and the disappointment of my supposedly decent bit of elm, things have got back into a bit of a routine in the 'shop... plenty of jobs to do, but I've just got to prioritize them. As a matter of some interest though, I did manage to get out a couple of decent worm free bits (well almost) out of the elm so that by the time they've had a double dose of wormkiller squirted down the holes, they should be fit to use.

The main bit of news though is that the big skip's back in town, so I was ferreting around in it the other day (as you do) and noticed that there was a very large (8x4') whiteboard that had been ditched, so that got hoicked out...but why, I hear you ask? Up to now I've been using a bit of painted hardboard for making rods and working drawings, which is alright but eventually a few coats of white emulsion starts to make the surface quite uneven with the result that it becomes a bit of a pain to use. I've got a couple of smaller whiteboards in the office with a dead smooth, glossy surface and a little bit of experimentation with a pencil allowed me to see that one of these things would make a rather good surface for all my project drawings (the pencil is even quite easy to erase in the normal way)

The size of the thing though, is far too big for what I need as it has to fit my wooden 'T' square in the 'shop, but my guess is that a bit of careful sawing and planing ought to give me at least a couple of really good white surfaces for my technical scribblings.

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