30 September 2008

Course and Commission

After one or two false starts earlier in the summer, one of the lads from UKWorkshop forum is coming down to Wilton for a complete weekend course later on next month, so I'll need to get my head round a programme. I've pretty much sorted out the sort of stuff that we can cover...it's just a question of refining the details to suit individual requirements, marking out, chiseling, and sawing will form the main part of the first day and I'm tempted to make a small project on Sunday using the techniques. If all goes well, this could hopefully be the start of quite a good little enterprise as I'll do a full write up on the forum and you never know, I may get some more folk interested in a one day or full weekend course.
I've also just been given a small commission to make a few picture frames for some rather nice, good quality prints, so I'll have to sort out some suitable materials for the job. The prints are sea-scapes and are fairly light so maybe a combination of maple with ebony inserts on the mitres...not sure, will have to examine the wood store to see what I've got.
On an entirely different note, SWIMBO's Olympus E400 camera packed up on holiday and after having it checked out by the guys in a shop, it's completely kaput. Fortunately we've been able to claim on the holiday insurance as it had an 'accident' so we've gone and bought a really good Nikon D60 with an additional 200mm telephoto lens as I found it quite tricky with the little Panasonic compact to get really close to those pesky flamingos! Needless to say, it's going to get a fair bit of use in the workshop as well...

1 comment:

  1. Great camera, Rob. I'm putting one on my letter to Santa Claus this year - but I'll probably get socks :-(


    Paul Chapman
