14 July 2008

The Devil's in the Detail

The anti-biotics that the doc prescribed me last week seem to have worked their magic and I'm feeling much better now...only slight problem now is that SWIMBO's caught the lurgi and has had a fairly rubbish weekend, but she seems to be pulling through it.
I spent yesterday just finishing off the details for the stand on the cabinet, which has taken quiet a long time to do...lots of fiddling about with files, rasps and sandpaper to get the profile just right. SWIMBO came out to the shop for another viewing as well last night and has now given it the official 'nod' so it looks like no-one else is going to get their mits on it! The cabinet bearers have got to be glued in place tonight after which the whole thing can be given a couple of coats of Osmo-PolyX with some of my favourite Alna Teak Wax over the top to finish. I started work on the ebony door pull last night and have made some progress with it, not sure if it's quite correct yet so a bit more detailed work needed there I fancy. SWIMBO said that it wasn't important, but the handle detailing is one of the most important things in a project and has to be correct...so many times I see a great piece of work and the handle's been stuck on as an 'after thought'. The last little bit to do is to make the ebony shelf supports from a couple of oddments left over from making the wedges, so the LN Dowel plate will come in very handy.
I've been taking copious pics of the whole project as it's been going along as the new editor of F&C wants it for the mag so once it's finally done and dusted I'll have to get fingers on the keyboard...not long now.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Please pass on my wishes for a speedy recovery to Alyson.

    You are right about the door knob - it must be just right. The ones you did for the Elm chest were perfect.

    Cheers ;-)

    Paul Chapman
