14 June 2008

A nice pair...

I've just got the next pair of knives done, and though I say it myself, they do seem to have turned out rather well...a 'nice pair' you might say. I decided this time to forgo my customary three coats of finishing oil and instead try out a few coats of blonde shellac and as you can see from the pic, there's a better finish on the ebony, so this is probably the way I'll do it now...still finished with a light application of wax over the top after leaving overnight for the shellac to fully harden off.

I started off polishing at around 6.30pm a was putting one a coat of shellac every 10 minutes or so, but proceedings came to an abrupt halt round about 7.50 as after a quick perusal of t'internet I saw that 'Tora, Tora,Tora' was on the telly, so it was out with a cold bottle of vino and settle back on the sofa. However it was on ITV4 with all the bloody adverts...and I hate bloody adverts all through a half-decent film but on this particular occasion I didn't mind too much as at each break I legged it out the the 'shop and put on a couple more coats of shellac so that around 10pm last night the ebony was positively gleaming.

I enjoyed the film last night as I hadn't seen it for ages...much better that the utter crap produced a few years ago with Ben Afflick and a 'love story' attached. Me and SWIMBO had a trip to Pearl Harbor a few years ago so it was all the more interesting for us. Here's some pics of yours truly on the memorial to the 'Arizona' that went down so quickly taking about 1200 sailors to the bottom of the harbour, it's a very sobering thought to contemplate all the carnage that took place 60 odd years ago on the very spot...

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